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Deathloop PC specs give PC gamers an advantage over PS5 – but at a cost

Deathloop PC specs give PC gamers an advantage over PS5 – but at a cost

Deathloop is the next Bethesda game for PS5 and PC that has an interesting time loop touch in your game, and your PC requirements give us an indication of how ambitious this game will be, especially in PC.

However, even the recommended minimum specifications (as published by Bethesda) are reasonably high, especially compared to other modern games, and that means that the PS5 version can be the best version for many people, as long as you have hooked one of one of The elusive consoles, that is.

Hardware demands

As you can see in the previous specifications, those are quite demanding hardware requirements. While we were not surprised to see the 4K Ultra requirements ask for RTX 3080, one of the most powerful and expensive GPUs in the market, including the minimum request for a NVIDIA GTX 1060 (6GB) or AMD Radeon Rx 580 (8GB) is fairly tall.

If your PC does not meet those requirements, and you are enthusiastic about the game, then we fear that it seems to be an update time.

However, if you have the hardware, then Deathloop is looking to be configuring to be something really special on PC.

Bethesda has also revealed the exclusive PC features will come to the game, and that includes support for Ultrawide monitors and Super resolution support AMD FidelityFX.

The Ultrawide monitor support allows the game to be played at aspect ratios 21: 9 (or wider). Almost all modern games on PC support this, but it is still good to get confirmation. Having a wider-looking relationship allows a much more immersive game experience, since the game fills more than its field of vision, and can also provide a competitive advantage, as it can see the enemies that normal monitors can not show – Until it’s too late.

Meanwhile, AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution is the technology that the scale increase games, so it can be executed in higher resolutions with less impact on the performance and minimum degradation of image quality. We recently talked to AMD about the Super Resolution FidelityFX as part of this year’s PC Gaming Week.

This will help players with AMD or NVIDIA GPU, get more consistent formulators, so it’s great to see here.

You can also modify the field of view, head and light or turn off graphic configuration loads, which makes the PC version it seems that it is the definitive one to obtain, as long as you have a capable platform.

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