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The new Roomba J7+ fixes one of the biggest issues with robot vacuums

The new Roomba J7+ fixes one of the biggest issues with robot vacuums

We all lead busy lives, which means finding time for domestic tasks, such as aspiration, and if you have a time of inactivity, the chances you want to get up and relax instead of cleaning your floors.

This is where the best robot vacuum cleaners come. You can outsource the task to a device that has its own way around your home, picking up dust and dirt from your floors and leaving you free to enjoy a well earned rest.

However, there is nothing more frustrating than when their peace is altered because the emptiness of the robot has started a cleaning session, and Irrobot expects to end this with the J7 + Roombea, which uses the location of your phone to identify it when you came out . , and only then start cleaning.

You can also detect when you are about to walk through the door, and stop cleaning and retreat to your load base, so you do not get under your feet.

Becoming more intelligent

Robot vacuum cleaners certainly make life easier, so it is not surprising that they have grown in popularity in recent years. According to the research firm of the Statista Market, the number of US households with a Robot void grew 11% to 14.2 million in 2018, and 80% of those that are made by Roomba.

However, they can be interposed on their way if they begin to clean when you are still at home. I find that there is nothing more frustrating than trying to watch TV or join a zoom meeting, just to be interrupted by my vacuuming robot that approaches my floors, and I decide that I want to have a cup of tea or use the bathroom, I have to take care that I do not put myself on the path of the Aspirum Robot. It’s enough to make me feel like an intruder at my house.

Depending on which empty robot model you have, staying out of your way it is easier to say that, since, although some take a methodical path when cleaning a room, others use a random cleaning pattern, which can leave it without idea Where ‘it goes to the next one. However, the new geolocation feature in the J7 + Roomba means that this is no longer a problem.

J7 + also has incorporated AI, which can detect and identify obstacles, such as a loading cable remaining on the floor or a sock that escapes on your trip from the laundry basket to the washing machine. Instead of plowing through the obstruction, and risks to be tangled in the brush roller, J7 + will sail around the article, cleaning as much as possible. Your on-board camera will also adjust an image and will notify you in the application, which will allow you to identify the item so you can instruct the cleaner, whether it continues or not to avoid it.

This puts an end to the question of having to fight against items outside the brush bar, and we believe it is a characteristic that all robot vacuum cleaners should have to make genuinely intelligent appliances, along with, of course, a feature of Geolocation so you never have to feel like you’re intrusing yourself in the hectic schedule of your vacuum.

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